CapCut App: How & Why You Should Use It With the ever-increasing use of social media, it can be hard to keep up with the latest trends and apps. In the last couple of years with the growing pop…
Why Video Surveillance Is a Good Bet for Your Business
Why Video Surveillance Is a Good Bet for Your Business No matter what kind of business you run, you need to ensure that your property, employees, and other business assets are protected. One of the…
Native Video Advertising Guide
Native Video Advertising Guide Did you know that when you post your videos directly, not on any social media platform, they play automatically? This means you’re going to receive views on your vid…
7 Tips to Building an Epic Highlight Reel
7 Tips to Building an Epic Highlight Reel As a videographer or filmmaker, there are many times you’ll want to create an epic highlight reel, whether you’re filming a sporting event, wed…
How Brands Can Successfully Leverage Facebook Live
How Brands Can Successfully Leverage Facebook Live Video content is like a hurricane running over anything in its path. “People watch more than 100 million hours of video each day” – Simple Measure…
Ben Affleck F-Bomb Deflatgate Tirade Video
Ben Affleck Deflategate Video: Actor Ben Affleck’s F-Bomb laden tirade about Tom Brady’s suspension and #Deflategate. Click here to watch the Affleck Deflategate Video and learn more.…
Video Production for the Musician: If You Aren’t Producing, What Are You Doing?
Video Production for the Musician: If You Aren’t Producing, What Are You Doing? If you are a musician looking for exposure, you should be on YouTube. It really is as simple as that. YouTube doesn’t…
4 Ways to Become a YouTube Expert
4 Ways to Become a YouTube Expert I have had the opportunity to become an expert in YouTube SEO. It was almost accidental. In fact, I was shy about admitting it. There is a snippet of my story in t…