“There’s Never Just One Cockroach in the Kitchen” … and “once you put a spotlight and start looking at everything, you’re likely to find something additional,” Warren E. Buffett said on Wednesday i…
Linkedin: Social Media Revolution 2017
Linkedin: Social Media Revolution 2017 Socialnomics 2017 Here’s a recap of what the video shares with us: We don’t have a choice on whether we do social media, the choice …
Top Ways Technology has Helped the Healthcare Industry
Top Ways Technology has Helped the Healthcare Industry Technology is advancing on a daily basis, which means that new developments are constantly making their way into our lives. Whether it is how …
Why Investing In Mobile Apps Is A Great Idea
Why Investing In Mobile Apps Is A Great Idea The mobile app market is huge and is going to expand even further in the future. Although every other person owns a smartphone, there are still regions …
How to Get the Most Out of Press Coverage
Press or media coverage can take many forms. It could be a featured article secured in the national business press, a mention on a niche blog, commentary drafted by your team and included in a loca…
South London’s Startup Appeal
South London’s Startup Appeal London has finally established itself as an entrepreneurial hotbed for Europe and the UK, sporting practically every resource necessary for start-ups to thrive in almo…
Big Data Is Leading a Greater Demand for STEM Students
Big Data Is Leading a Greater Demand for STEM Students Big data, the huge volume of data collected daily from transactions or operations of particular businesses, is becoming more relevant in the c…
7 Common Grammar Mistakes in Business Writing
7 Common Grammar Mistakes in Business Writing It doesn’t matter who you are or what job you wish to get, the awareness of grammar rules is mandatory. If your overarching objective is to achie…
#HoustonStrong, not Houston Scammed
#HoustonStrong, not Houston Scammed The disastrous Hurricane Harvey storm has caused millions of people to leave the Houston area, with 30,000 forced to seek shelters. This storm is the most powerf…
How Visualization Can Impact Your SEO
How Visualization Can Impact Your SEO Data visualization is a powerful tool of the mind that can come up with a story behind a row of digits. How does this reflect on the world of SEO? When used as…