Social Media: The New College Roadmap As colleges and universities begin the Fall 2014 semester, there is great preparation to welcome new and returning students. As leadership finishes event plan…
25 Years of the Internet: How It Has Changed the Way We Interact
25 Years of the Internet: How It Has Changed the Way We Interact Earlier this year, the internet celebrated its 25th Birthday; an invention which has changed the world forever. Today, there are mor…
How Have the Internet and Social Media Changed the Music Industry?
How Have the Internet and Social Media Changed the Music Industry? The internet has transformed the world and the music industry as we know it. Before everybody was hooked up to the World Wide Web,…
15 Facts About Vine Every Brand Should Know
15 Facts About Vine Every Brand Should Know By 2017 2/3 of all mobile content will be video. While I’m not certain Vine will still be popular in 2017, short-form videos are here to stay. That’s why…
Social Media Has Changed the Ways We Do Business
Social Media Has Changed the Ways We Do Business Of all the technological developments to be born in the first decade and a half of this century, it can be argued that the one to have the largest i…
Campus Housing Goes Social: #SoMe Innovation in Residence Life
Campus Housing Goes Social: #SoMe Innovation in Residence Life This week I have the phenomenal experience of attending my first ever Association for College and University Housing Officers – Intern…
Introducing Instagram’s Cool New Photo-Editing Features
Introducing Instagram’s Cool New Photo-Editing Features No longer can you just crop a photo, slap on a filter (all you Sutro and Lo-Fi abusers, I see you), write a witty caption with corresponding …
Campus Cyberbullying: A Tragic But Preventable Crime
Campus Cyberbullying: A Tragic But Preventable Crime One currently trending news item is the report that Twitter messages posted by singer & platinum recording artist Rihanna set off the cyberb…
Scholarship Scams Coming Your Way? How Social Media Saves the Day!
Scholarship Scams Coming Your Way? How Social Media Saves the Day! Every spring, millions of families in the United States make decisions about college. For new or returning students, college affor…
Can Social Media Make You Happier?
Can Social Media Make You Happier? Social media has become a daily staple in our lives. We take time out of our day to post pictures and statuses to inform our followers and friends what we are up …