Social media marketing is one of the best ways to market the product through different types of the Social Medias that are available. As the name suggests, it clearly comes to the platform that the…
Tips to Help You Drive Traffic from Facebook
Setting up an ecommerce site is a little like grabbing the tail of a tiger: once you have a grip, there is nothing you can do but hold on. That said, today it is much easier to create a website tha…
Social Media PDAs – Are Virtual Displays of Affection the Future of Romance?
Social media is now a fully integrated part of our everyday lives. Everyone from your Grandma to your neighbor’s dog has a Facebook account, and image-based apps like Instagram and Snapchat have be…
Tips That Add the Bang to the Social Media Movement
Relatively speaking, social media marketing is still a new business strategy, especially when you put it into a historical timeline and realize what a short period of time it takes up on that timel…
Which Social Media Platform is Best for Your Business?
In 2016, it’s more vital than ever for businesses to have a strong, engaging social media presence. Today’s customers expect to be able to have a conversation with the businesses they patronize. Ra…
How To Refocus our Social Activity: Starting With the Subconscious
There is a great quote that I came across today that seems to really “say it all” when it comes to those down days when we may find ourselves wondering where we are at with ourselves, o…
Snapchat Geo-Filters: Design, Map & Buy
When Snapchat allowed geo-filters to go “on demand” it was the coolest thing for both consumers and brands. It allowed everyone to show their creativity and to have a chance at c…
Transparency Increases Bottom Line
We live in a world where information is at our finger tips all the time any time—which causes us to crave transparency more than ever before. Businesses that are transparent with both their employe…
How to Monitor and Manage Workplace
In this time and age of technology, if you are not keeping tabs on your employees you need to do it immediately. Our research shows that majority of the employees are careless about work when they …
Should You Be Using LinkedIn’s “Mentioned in the News” Feature?
Twenty-five percent of adult internet users in the U.S. and 22 percent of the entire adult population in the U.S. use LinkedIn according to a Mobile Messaging and Social Media 2015 report from Pew …