Any business owner with a website can tell you: mobile technology changed the game. Customers went from browsing on desktops and laptops to browsing on their smartphones. Mobile views for websites …
Trump Kicks Campaign Manager to the Curb
Trump Kicks Campaign Manager to Curb In the famous words of Trump, “You’re Fired.” Campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, who’s been one of the driving forces to getting Trump to his current politica…
How Automotive Industry Can Benefit from Digital Marketing
Digital marketing has now become the most important type of marketing for any business with online presence. Companies all around the world are now focusing more on their online strategies than the…
Mars to Pull M&Ms from Controversial McFlurries
McDonald’s M&M McFlurry about to Be Extinct M&M maker, Mars, is thinking about pulling their candy out of fast food restaurant treats – think McDonald’s M&M McFlurry or the Burger…
Why you should pay to translate your social media
The global market is now far easier to access due to advances in technology. With this has come the need to translate businesses into the various popular languages of the internet. Social media is …
How to Monitor and Manage Workplace
In this time and age of technology, if you are not keeping tabs on your employees you need to do it immediately. Our research shows that majority of the employees are careless about work when they …
Russians Hack DNC — find an entire “Burn Book” on Trump
1. Russians Uncover Trump Burn Book Russian hackers got into the computer network of the Democratic National Committee (DNC). They were able to read all emails (with the exception of Hillary’s pers…
Why art galleries need to embrace social media to survive
When it was revealed in February last year that visitor numbers had significantly fallen at two of the UK’s most prestigious fine art galleries, many commentators were quick to proclaim the death o…
10 Places to Look to Give Your Content a New Lease of Life
It’s wrong to say that content marketing strategies fail. People fail content marketing strategies. The reason for that is simple; when we start off we allocate a realistic proportion of our …
Twitter Launches the Ability to Retweet Yourself #Narcissism-Apocalypse
Thanks Self for Retweeting Me The time you laugh out loud at yourself for being so funny you sync your phone to the 64 inch” plasma to watch all of your old selfie videos. That’s basically w…