Transparency Increases Bottom Line

We live in a world where information is at our finger tips all the time any time—which causes us to crave transparency more than ever before. Businesses that are transparent with both their employe…

Why Sitemaps are Useful in 2016

After making or reorganizing your website you need to make your www-voice heard and reach that target public you’ve always wanted to reach. You prepare your tone of voice, your marketing strategy i…

Airbnb Sues San Francisco

Airbnb Sues San Francisco It’s a full house up in hereeee — quote from Danny Tanner regarding current legal issues Airbnb is battling. The Golden Gate city threw a curveball last month when t…

Twitter Wins NFL Streaming

Twitter Wins NFL Streaming Twitter just got the major news that they will be streaming 10 Thursday night NFL games. This is pretty big for Twitter considering they beat out some major powerhouses l…