Running a company in 2016 takes not only savvy business planning and sound financial principles, but also an appreciation and knowledge of the Internet. Sure, some companies can get along just fine…
Killer Social Media Marketing Tips for New Blog Owners
When you create your first blog it’s difficult to know where you should invest your time and money to grow your audience. A blog is the perfect tool to publish content for an audience who is intere…
The Importance of Securing Social Media Platforms
The Importance of Securing Social Media Platforms A large majority of us today use social media. Whether your preferred platform is Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, or any of the other social media netwo…
Five Social Media Tips to Optimize Content Marketing
Do you own a business? Do you have any content? Do you have followers on Social Networks? If you answered yes to these questions, then you must contribute and share your content on social networks.…
Social Blogging in a Brave New World
Although it might sound like something out of a classic Aldous Huxley novel, the concept of social blogging is perhaps something best described as a blurry world between social media and convention…
How to Bypass Social Media Dangers for Kids?
Millions of users are addicted to social media apps and websites and among these are the kids in a greater number. Kids are extensively using the social media, and even they admit that they share s…
The Integration of Social Media Marketing and the Travel Industry
The Integration of Social Media Marketing & the Travel Industry Social media has altered the landscape of almost every single industry, but something extra special has been happening within the…
Investing in Social Media is Financially Sound
No matter what the size of your business, social media definitely has a place for you. With that being the case; what are you doing to take advantage of all social networking has to offer? Most imp…
Social Media and the Cloud Make Great Partners
Whether you use social media for business or personal reasons, there’s a good chance that you are on social networking sites a fair amount of the time. As the popularity of social media has increas…
More Churches Showing Faith in Social Media
To some people, using social media is quite literally a religion. They rely on social networking for myriad of things, most notably promoting their brands to current and potential customers. So, ar…