Are You Making Any of These Mistakes with Your Social Media Platforms?
Are You Making Any of These Mistakes with Your Social Media Platforms? Depending on whom you ask social media marketing could be simple or complex. While understanding people and the nuances of how…
5 Leading Strategies for Ranking Among Google’s Top 10
5 Leading Strategies for Ranking Among Google’s Top 10 Many of us tend to wonder whether the path we are taking for our newly established company is the proper one to follow. Crafting your way towa…
LinkedIn Case Study: Sales Team Increases Efficiency by Ranking Contacts
Challenges: Apptio, a provider of SaaS-based technology business management solutions, found it difficult to classify roles and responsibilities of their LinkedIn contacts. Actions: Sales reps took…
Generate Email Leads from Social Media Platforms
Generate Email Leads from Social Media Platforms Email marketing, though an old book concept, is still considered to be one of the most successful lead-generating techniques. Your marketing actions…
The iPhone… X
The iPhone… X New iPhone Model to Be Packed With Features It appears Samsung will not be the only phone company that carries a device with a wraparound screen this year…we think. Accord…
Using Facebook Live as an Effective Marketing Tool
Using Facebook Live as an Effective Marketing Tool Facebook Live helps people, public figures, and businesses share videos in real time from their mobile devices with their followers and friends on…
The Power of Consistent Branding For Offline-Online Integration
The Power of Consistent Branding For Offline-Online Integration Consistent branding is important for everyone. It’s how people find you, and take any offline meet and greets online for more informa…
Top Futurists In Technology
Top Futurists in Technology A futurist studies and predicts possible trends, developments, and scenarios across various domains such as technology, science, society, economics, and culture. Futuris…
The Power of TikTok Sounds to Market Your Business
The Power of TikTok Sounds to Market Your Business Marketing on social media has become one of the best and most effective ways to get information about your company out there to a wider, generall…