It’s never too late to change careers — after the big industry collapses of the past decade, increasing numbers of people are trying just that. If you’ve ever thought that you can’t change industri…
Samsung Washing Machines Exploding
Samsung Keeps Exploding We all know that the Samsung Note phones were exploding all over the place. Well it seems like phones might not be the only Samsung product exploding. On Wednesday, owners o…
5 Best Influencer Marketing Tools To Use In 2017
Influencer Marketing Tools are rising at a great speed. The urge of knowing the followers and the customers has grown over the years. This need has caused brands to have tools that can help them id…
3 Ways to Make Passive Income through Blogging and Social Media
3 Ways to Make Passive Income through Blogging and Social Media Anyone can make extra money if they’re willing to put in more hours at work, but not everyone has the time to do it. That’s where pas…
Cyber Attacks in Light of Presidential Election
With the upcoming election, sketchy cyber hacks are bound to happen. Recently, the FBI started investigating suspected hacks to phones used by Democratic Party officials. U.S. officials believe tha…
The Rise of Mobile Payments: Is this the Demise of Credit Cards?
The way we pay for everyday goods and services is always changing. Early on, the world mostly relied on the barter system, until currency was introduced. Then, most people stopped carrying cash reg…
Bootstrap Your Startup with these 10 Handy Tips
For a startup to grow and flourish, funding is important. However, most small businesses are hardly seen relying on venture capitalists for the cash inflow. Challenges are in plenty but it seems th…
6 Tips for Developing an Employee Social Media Policy
When most employees get a break from their daily chores in the office, the chances are they spend a few minutes surfing social media. These breaks can be good for enabling workers to relieve tensio…
Best Money Making Apps for 2016
Apps are all over the place. Some of the best apps can help you find the job that you desire, land the house of your dreams, and let you know what action to take in an emergency situation. But asid…
How To Make Your Instagram Scheduling Easier
When thinking about acquiring a helpful tool for digital marketing on Instagram, Onlypult is a go-to for scheduling and managing your posts on Instagram. Onlypult allows you to manage multiple acco…