When you start a business you start it small. You want it to be successful and grow with time. This is why you do all you can to make sure you don’t end up in failure. The risks in the beginning ar…
Anonymous Social Media Could Be the Best Tool for Measuring Employee Satisfaction and Engagement
Every company needs clear insights into how their employees operate, communicate and feel about their job. They are, after all, the face of your company. And, while there are many social media plat…
The Presidential Debate Summed Up With Tweets
The Final Presidential Debate November 8th will be here before we know it. Are you ready for election day? Last night was the final presidential debate before we all head to the polls or send in ou…
How to Know When it’s Time to Scale Up Your Business
How to Know When it’s Time to Scale Up Your Business Successfully growing your business requires perseverance, following your passions, making a few mistakes along the way, and of course, lots of h…
Do Current Social Media Platforms Help or Hinder Music Artists?
Some of the biggest platforms in the world are social media platforms, with roughly 2.34 billion users worldwide. Gone are the days of Bebo and MySpace where social media platforms were used solely…
5 Ways to Establish a Deeper Relationship with Your Twitter Followers
Twitter has been at the forefront of social media marketing for long, but many haven’t been able to crack the code towards generating loyal followers. This platform is all about interacting with fa…
Instagram Saves Lives
Instagram’s New Tool Instagram has been working on a new tool on their app recently. But, it’s still in the developmental stages and has yet to roll out. The new tool will allow you to anonymously …
The Top 4 Instagram Marketing Tools
Instagram isn’t just a social media platform for posting photos. Savvy marketers use this platform to start conversations with their followers, post Snapchat-type stories and engage other people us…
Mobile SEO Challenges and How to Overcome Them
With the rise in the number of people who use their mobile devices to go on the internet, business people from all industries now have to optimize their websites not only for regular desktop and la…
Google Flights Tool to Help Eliminate Airfare Price Gouging
Google Has Your Back When It Comes To Flights You know that feeling when an airline ticket suddenly increases $200 in an hour? The worst. Well, Google is trying to help avoid this feeling forever. …