86% of the marketers believe that social media marketing with analysis can be the game changer in every business. However, agencies and businesses find trouble in discovering the right ways to take…
The Most Important Marketing Strategies for Your New Blog
The Most Important Marketing Strategies for Your New Blog A new website of any kind means nothing without a solid strategy for marketing. It’s all about letting people know the blog is on the…
5 Sustainability Tips for Your Business
Don’t listen to the people who deny it, because Global Warming is a threat faced by us all. This is the only world we’ve got so it is our responsibility to make sure we don’t harm it ourselves, whi…
The Rise of Emoji Use in Social Media Marketing
Back in the 1990s, when instant and text messaging were in their early days, emoticons were used to convey some basic emotions such as a wink or a smile. Their primary role was to help people decod…
How to Become a Web Designer
How to Become a Web Designer Starting web design business doesn’t have to be an impossible dream. By harnessing your natural ability to design attractive websites, you can secure a position a…
Where Is the Future of Digitized Medicine Going On Social Media?
Having your regular, yearly exam over Facebook isn’t a future too far off. An interconnected world is becoming increasingly useful to both professionals and patients. Today, social media is more th…
How Brands Can Successfully Leverage Facebook Live
How Brands Can Successfully Leverage Facebook Live Video content is like a hurricane running over anything in its path. “People watch more than 100 million hours of video each day” – Simple Measure…
Challenges of BYOD
Challenges of BYOD Many employers, big and small, are adopting BYOD practices at work. These practices add convenience for employees and save on technology costs for employers. One big issue surrou…
Challenges Startups Can Face When Looking for Investors
Challenges Startups Can Face When Looking for Investors Taking advantage of the right investment opportunities can help startups turn a small but promising idea into a long-term profit-making ventu…
There’s Always Money in the Banana Stand Amazon’s latest disruption comes in the most unlikely form: bananas. The company began handing out bananas in front of its headquarters in Seattle in Decemb…