Career Opportunities in Cryptocurrencies
With Cryptocurrencies rapid growth over the past two years, corporations are racing to recognize individuals to further research and develop the field. Job listings including the words ‘blockchain,’ ‘Bitcoin,’ or ‘cryptocurrency’ have increased by 621% since November 2015. These jobs include a plethora of roles including sales associates, reporters, DevOps engineers, consultants, and more. Bitcoin was invented in 2008 and doesn’t seem likely to be going away. Now might just be the perfect time to embrace the new career opportunities the crypto world has to offer. (Source: Forbes)
Google Trolling Microsoft?
Google published a Chrome app with the sole purpose of redirecting users to a download link to install Chrome. Microsoft, unfortunately, was displeased with the stunt and quickly removed the installer. According to a Microsoft spokesperson, apps should provide unique and distinct value, we assume of the sort that adheres to Microsoft standards. This isn’t the first time Google and Microsoft have battled over platforms. We have seen in the past how both companies fought over the YouTube app for Windows phone. How long will this rivalry continue? Only time will tell. (Source: The Verge)
Good Guy Google Blocking Ads
Google announced earlier this year that they would integrate ad-blocking software into their web browser, Google Chrome. However, there is a catch. This ad-blocking software doesn’t remove all ads, only ones they deem “bad” using standards set by the Coalition for Better Ads. If all goes according to plan, expect the ad-blocker to go live February 15th, 2018. (Source: The Verge)