Technology is becoming the primary method through which individuals communicate and develop. There are many ways this happens, with some originally taboo subjects becoming normal and highly accepted. Here are just five ways that technology is influencing personal human development.
Social Media for Interacting and Making Friends
Social media was once just a way to keep in touch with friends from the past and current friends and family members. It allowed communication around the world. It was also a way to get back in touch with people from high school, college, and other original methods of meeting people.
Now it’s a way for individuals to meet people from all around the world. There are fan groups for individual TV shows, groups for those wanting to travel, and business groups for marketing. These ways of making friends can lead to meeting up in real life and creating long-lasting friendships that would have never been possible without technology.
People Are Becoming Less Empathetic
There is a difference between sympathetic and empathetic. Human interaction helps to create the latter. There’s the ability to show that you connect with someone else’s feelings. However, technology is influencing a less empathetic nature.
Sure, people can tell others that they’re “sorry for their loss” or “feel for them” because they’ve lost their job, but text doesn’t confer the emotions. Feelings don’t come across, meaning text can be viewed as empathetic when the individual on the other hand is just saying something to look caring.
When it comes to human interaction, a lot of the empathy is lost. Individuals don’t really know how to talk to one another.
Dating Sites on the Go
Online dating was once a taboo subject. People kept it quiet because they were afraid of what friends and family members would think. That has changed as technology has grown. Smartphone apps now influence online dating. Looking out for the best dating websites for individual preferences is common, whether people want long-term romantic relationships or are looking for a quick hook up.
Dating sites have had two effects on meeting people. Some are based on looks, where you swipe left or right if you want to get to know more about someone. Others are based on profiles and interests, helping to get two people talking who wouldn’t usually think they had anything in common.
Relationship Are Accelerating
This could be a good and bad thing. Relationships are going from zero to married or best friends in a matter of minutes. Online dating has certainly helped with this. People communicate without physical attraction. They get to know the individual for who they are, finding things in common that they previously wouldn’t have done had looks come into play from the start.
However, this can also mean making rash decisions. Unfortunately, there are individuals who pretend to be something they’re not to lure young, impressionable teens and children in. There are others who will gain confidence to attack and hurt physically, emotionally, and through technology.
People share more through technology than they would in real life. They make their political stance known and their feelings about the current news circulating. Many will air grievances through social media, meaning nothing in secret anymore.
Speaking Through Memes and Emojis
People look for quick ways to interact and speak. Rather than sharing words, they will interact through memes, emojis, and other characters. While this can help to display emotion, it can also been difficult to understand at times. After all, someone crying with laughter can also look like they’re extremely emotional depending on the emoji.
Technology is shaping who people are and what people do. The above are just five ways people interact now because of technology.