On Friday, Apple opened up the pre-order of the much-anticipated iPhone 7. The phone comes in a variety of colors from jet black, matte black, silver, rose gold and gold, but it you want the iPhone 7 in jet black then you’re out of luck. The jet black iPhone 7 sold out within minutes of pre-order. This is crazy considering Apple is warning users that this phone scratches easily. Life hack: buy a jet black case. In U.S. stores, you will receive a shipping date regardless of which color you buy. But, by choosing any form of the black iPhone 7, you will have to wait an additional two weeks – two months from original shipping date of September 16. (Source: Mashable)
Twitter Live Button Killed within 24 Hours
Twitter debuted a new live video notification button yesterday. But if you missed it or had no idea it existed, that’s okay! The button only existed for less than 24 hours. It was supposed to allow Twitter users to subscribe to live feed notifications and alert users when their Periscope feed is live. The button’s goal was to make Twitter a more video prominent platform and score live content deals with NFL, MLB and NHL. However, when asked why Twitter removed their button so quickly a spokesperson stated, “We’re experimenting with different ways to discover live video on Twitter.” Guess the button failed the experiment. (Source: BuzzFeed)
New Way to Check for Bad Breath
Philip’s announced they’ll be partnering with Breathometer to deliver a new system called Mint; to be sold alongside their Sonicare in a consumer friendly bundle. Mint, a breath analysis system, will help many people who struggle with bad breath or people who don’t know they have bad breath resolve their problem. With Breathometer’s newly acquired partnership, they will be able to reach new users, as well as work on new products with Philips. Tic-Tac sir? (Source: TechCrunch)