4 Mobile App Development Tips for Small Businesses
When small businesses try to come up with a mobile strategy they have more reasons to make mistakes. They have too many constraints like small budget, fewer employees, less exposure and lack of exp…
3 Benefits of Valentine’s Day for Social Media You Shouldn’t Miss Out On
With the Valentine’s Day fast approaching one mustn’t waste any time in making the best use of the marketing opportunities offered by this holiday. Seasonal marketing, as a whole, is a timeless it …
Apple’s New Reality Show
Apple’s New TV Show | “Planet of The Apps” If you watch Shark Tank and The Voice, these shows just had a baby. Apple revealed the first trailer of its TV series titled ‘Planet of the Apps’. Four ce…
How Will You Exceed Your 2016 Achievements In 2017?
We have all heard the terms “online marketing,” “digital marketing,” “content marketing,” and the like. These terms are not new to us. They are a part of our online culture. I still remember the ti…
How To Write LinkedIn Recommendations
Why: A boss, colleague or employee may have positively influenced your career. They may have inspired you to post-it-forward (see Tip #11) or they may have asked you for a recommendation (see Tip #…
10 SEO Traps to Avoid Google Downranking
SEO trends change annually with the development of new software and new Google guidelines released regularly. That makes website owners keep up with the novelties and be ready to make change…
4 Brilliantly Innovative Ideas to Increase Online Sales
Whether you are a small home-based business or an e-Commerce giant, your aim is to increase online sales. Why? This is because sales are the lifeblood of a business. How will you earn profits when …
Top Futurists In Technology
Top Futurists in Technology A futurist studies and predicts possible trends, developments, and scenarios across various domains such as technology, science, society, economics, and culture. Futuris…
The Power of TikTok Sounds to Market Your Business
The Power of TikTok Sounds to Market Your Business Marketing on social media has become one of the best and most effective ways to get information about your company out there to a wider, generall…