Four Things Your Logo Should Be Doing Logos are the face of your company—the image you use as social media profile pictures, the picture that media will use when they report or review your products…
The Top 10 Branded Videos of 2017
The Top 10 Branded Videos of 2017 Branded videos are one of the most effective ways for companies to get their message across to a wide audience. Many of these videos can also be utilized as commer…
3 Must-Try Digital Marketing Tactics In 2017
3 Must-Try Digital Marketing Tactics In 2017 So far this year, it has become clear that businesses—both big and small—feel more confident in investing their marketing dollars towards building their…
Why Brands Should Start Capitalizing on Ephemeral Content
Why Brands Should Start Capitalizing on Ephemeral Content Digital marketing trends come and go, but you can expect content to remain king for the foreseeable future. It’s clear that brands now embr…
Common Mistakes to Avoid When Investing in the Stock Market
Making mistakes is part and parcel of investing, and it is impossible to make accurate judgments all the time. However, if you exercise more caution and common sense when making investment decision…
5 Proven Ways to Make Money with Social Media
In recent years, social media has become one of the most widely used platforms for online communication. It provides a convenient environment for self-expression and interaction, and it enables use…
Being an Entrepreneur: The American Dream
To be successful, you don’t need just an idea, but the determination to work hard and sacrifice everything to reach your goals. Success is often linked with entrepreneurship, which is also consider…
Why You Should Invest In a Good Business Logo
Why You Should Invest In a Good Business Logo The person that coined the phrase “good things come in small packages” must have had business logos in mind. A logo may seem insignificant at first unt…
4 Online Reputation Management Strategies for Businesses
4 Online Reputation Management Strategies for Businesses Reputation management is one of the most challenging parts of running an online business. Just ask United Airlines. Even though most of thei…
Turn Smartphones Into a Laptop with MiraBook
Turn Smartphones Into a Laptop with MiraBook In the past few years, a variety of companies has been trying to turn smartphones into personal computers. There’s a variety of examples, which includes…