Top Topics of the First Presidential Debate Last night, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump went head to head in the first Presidential debate. Trump had the sniffles and Hillary was calling the fact …
Social Media Hacks: 6 Ways to Activate a Larger Audience During Live Events
Live events can be beneficial for your business and connecting to a larger number of individuals can be invigorating. The trick is to generate higher levels of excitement and bring in better socia…
SEO Tips That Will Double Your Blog Traffic
SEO Tips That Will Double Your Blog Traffic SEO may be the oldest internet marketing trick in the book, but it is still one of the most effective ways of driving traffic to your site. Whether you’r…
Snapchat’s New Spectacles
Snapchat’s New Spectacles The rumors surrounding Snapchat glasses have finally been confirmed, after a promotional video for the product was leaked. Snapchat has officially introduced Spectacles, a…
Facebook Might be the Newest Review Platform: 5 Things to Know
Facebook has lately been making a few changes to its algorithm and today we are going to discuss a new ramification that might just concern the entrepreneurs a bit more. The new feature concerns re…
Personality Versus Professionalism on Social Media
Very little has been left untouched by the social media explosion of the last decade. Its ubiquitous presence has infiltrated all aspects of life. The world of work has been particularly transforme…
Check to See if You’ve Been Hacked
Have You Been Hacked? With the recent Yahoo hack, you may be curious to know if your account has been a victim (Check out yesterday’s Skinny for more details). Yahoo claims they will email owners w…
Small Business Leasing: Operating Lease vs. Capital Lease
Leasing vehicles, property equipment, and structures could be an attractive and viable option for small business owners. Owning fixed assets would be requiring quite a significant and even long-ter…
How To Make Your Next Giveaway A Social Media Success
Contests and giveaways tend to generate a lot of interest and help companies spread the word and gather leads for their business. However any marketing activity needs to be measured by the revenue …
Google Launches WhatsApp Competitor
Google Launches WhatsApp Competitor Step aside chat apps, Google is entering your space. Google recently launched Allo, a mobile chat app similar to app WhatsApp and iMessage. Allo offers features …