  • September 10, 2024

    How Online Tools Can Streamline Business Processes

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  • What Is The Role of Technology in Improving Oilfield Safety

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  • September 9, 2024

    Digital Innovation in Paystub Management for 2024

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Comcast Buys Dreamworks

Uber Lowers Grace Period You better make sure you’re packed and ready, because Uber isn’t playing around. The cab like service will now be giving passengers only two minutes to get into the c…

4 Ways to Better Manage Your Money Online

Whether you’re building an investment portfolio for your retirement or managing the ledger for your business, the Internet has introduced faster and more effective ways to manage your money. …

Snowden Sues Norway

Snowden Sues Norway NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden really likes to start things. Most recently he is sueing Norway to avoid extradition to the U.S. Snowden was invited to receive a freedom of spe…

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The Socialnomics blog spawned from the book, written by Erik Qualman, with the intent of providing short social stories, statistics, studies and surprises about the biz and buzz of tech.
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