Keeping on Top of the Ever-Changing Communications World With content and social media marketing emerging as such important aspects of marketing, keeping on top of communications has become vital f…
How to Send a Great Brand Message in 140 Characters or Less
How to Send a Great Brand Message in 140 Characters or Less 9 in 10 US companies are using social media for marketing purposes, according to data from eMarketer: Source Perhaps the unique among the…
Unskippable is the new Skippable Ad, Or Is It?
Unskippable is the new Skippable Ad, Or Is It? Let’s start with the basics. What Are Skippable Ads (via Google) A 30-second ad plays to completion, or until skipped by the viewer. The skip ra…
How to Sell on LinkedIn: Across All Channels
How to Sell on LinkedIn: Across All Channels Why Reaching your customer where they want to be reached when they are ready to buy is critical to increasing sales. Social selling is a great way to do…
How to Use Social Media to Grow Your Business
How to Use Social Media to Grow Your Business Whether you do it well or poorly, establishing platforms on social media can take a lot of valuable time. Many companies that appear quite active and e…
Your Social Listening Tools Aren’t Hearing You
Your Social Listening Tools Aren’t Hearing You Netflix show, House of Cards, was one of the first political dramas to acknowledge social media as an ingredient in the mixture of public opinion. “Th…
3 Healthy Impacts of Social Media on Our Daily Lives
3 Healthy Impacts of Social Media on Our Daily Lives Every day I hear stories about how social media is causing depression, ruining our real-life social skills, and causing a huge generational gap.…
3 Benefits of Valentine’s Day for Social Media You Shouldn’t Miss Out On
With the Valentine’s Day fast approaching one mustn’t waste any time in making the best use of the marketing opportunities offered by this holiday. Seasonal marketing, as a whole, is a timeless it …
How To Write LinkedIn Recommendations
Why: A boss, colleague or employee may have positively influenced your career. They may have inspired you to post-it-forward (see Tip #11) or they may have asked you for a recommendation (see Tip #…
10 SEO Traps to Avoid Google Downranking
SEO trends change annually with the development of new software and new Google guidelines released regularly. That makes website owners keep up with the novelties and be ready to make change…