4 Helpful Tips to Avoid Bad Payday Loans If you are in a financial bind from bad credit, you may think it’s impossible to get the funds you need, when you need them. However, when you take th…
7 Secrets for a Highly Successful Crowdfunding Campaign
7 Secrets for a Highly Successful Crowdfunding Campaign Crowdfunding is unlikely to replace traditional lenders or venture capitalists anytime soon, but it is already having an incredible leveling …
Making Your Blog and Your Social Media Work Together
Making Your Blog and Your Social Media Work Together Whether you’re using it to promote your business or as a source of income, your blog is an excellent way to market yourself, no matter the reaso…
4 Ways to Keep Your Business Light On Its Feet
4 Ways to Keep Your Business Light On Its Feet To survive in the fast-paced environment of the modern economy, your business needs to be ready for anything. In the past, being grounded in one indu…
Defining the Bubble and Deciding If Bitcoin Is Headed for One
Defining the Bubble and Deciding If Bitcoin Is Headed for One There have been many examples in the past where investors have followed their hearts before their heads and suffered as a result of it.…
8 Best and Practical Ways to Protect Your Privacy Online
8 Best and Practical Ways to Protect Your Privacy Online If you believe that your personal information is really personal, then it will come as a shock to you to know exactly how much of it ends up…
Talking Usability: Long Tail Keywords for E-Commerce SEO
Talking Usability: Long Tail Keywords for E-Commerce SEO Listen: Keywords are important. They’re vital to how search engines work. But an SEO campaign doesn’t begin with the keywords you want to ra…
Stop Ignoring Your Credit Score
Stop Ignoring Your Credit Score Part of being an adult is taking responsibility for your own financial actions (and sometimes the actions of others). One of the specific responsibilities of every a…
How Insurance Benefits Those Under Its Umbrella
How Insurance Benefits Those Under Its Umbrella When it comes to managing any kind of start-up business, one of the first questions people often ask themselves is whether or not insurance will be n…
This ICO Thinks Blockchain Can Improve Hiring Practices
This ICO Thinks Blockchain Can Improve Hiring Practices What if the process of identifying top talent was easier? And in academia, what if colleges could more easily find the students they’re looki…