Airbnb Sues San Francisco
It’s a full house up in hereeee — quote from Danny Tanner regarding current legal issues Airbnb is battling. The Golden Gate city threw a curveball last month when they passed a law making all Airbnb hosts register with the city before showing ads for their homes. San Fran legislators passed the law in an effort to combat the housing crisis. However, the rental company is claiming the law is a major buzzkill and is suing the city, stating the law violates the Communications Decency Act. The city is parenting the company due to many renters taking their properties off the market to exclusively show on Airbnb. Making the housing market dip even lower than it should appear.
The law is making Airbnb even more responsible for hosts, so much so they’ll be fined $1,000 per day if hosts aren’t registered with the city. Considering the already rigorous registration process hosts must go through adding an extra step seems trivial. Airbnb has started a campaign for their home city to streamline the process but it looks like the case is heading right to the feds. Can’t we all just get along, or maybe we’ll just call Judge Judy. (Source: TechCrunch)
Snapchat’s Selfie Business Plan
If you’re currently living in your parents basement and taking up scrapbooking as a hobby then maybe it’s time for a life change. That being said, Snapchat might be shifting to a revenue sharing model in the coming future allowing brands to pay users for their content. In a patent spotted by The Los Angeles Times, originally filed in 2014 Snapchat would use specific algorithms and recognition technology to scan users video and audio files. The technology would completely revamp the Live Stories’ Feature which for the main part is being curated by humans. Snapchat has yet to comment regarding the patent, but just think someday you could be paid for your Snapchat status. Now explain that career shift to your potential in-laws. (Source: MSN)
Facebook Features Event News Feed
The moment (or feature) we’ve all been waiting for. Facebook has answered our party prayers by introducing a news feed that will get us off the couch scrolling and into the real world. A feature being launched today in 10 U.S cities, shows users hip events like cocktail hours or foodie extravaganzas taking place in the upcoming future in their city. The feature displays trendy larger scale events that might be of interest — bonus: the events are human-curated so you don’t have to worry about your monthly book club getting getting crashed by fellow Facebookers. (Source: TechCrunch)