1. Meet the New Dropbox 500M people are registered with Dropbox across 180 countries. It’s one of the most popular cloud storage services, and now Dropbox is finally ready to branch out of this ind…
THE Skinny
How to Overcome the Challenges of Growing an Audience
How to Overcome the Challenges of Growing an Audience There is nothing more important than getting people to your website. Quite frankly, if you don’t have an audience, then whatever it is that you…
Facebook Weans Off Chinese Company Huawei
1. Facebook Weans Off Huawei In the latest U.S. move to clamp-down on China, Facebook is no longer allowing the pre-installation of its apps on Huawei phones. This includes Facebook, Instagram, and…
US and China Compete to Become Tech Leaders
1. Tables Have Turned for US Tech Giants It is a known fact that the US is one of the leading innovators in the tech industry, but as true as this once was, there is a major contender on our heels—…
What Happened at Apple’s Worldwide Developer Conference?
1. Apple’s Developer Conference Aftermath Before Apple’s Developer Conference on Monday, talk was already circulating around the end of iTunes, which was confirmed iTunes will split into three sepa…
Google’s Antitrust Investigation from DOJ
1. Google’s Antitrust Investigation In 2013, the Federal Trade Commission wrapped up a two-year investigation into Google, after deciding unanimously that Google wasn’t violating any antitrust law…
Founder of Facebook Asked to Step Down
1. Facebook CEO Asked to Step Down Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook CEO and chairman, is being put to a vote by shareholders to step down as their chairman. Their intentions for this shocking request lie …
The WHO Classifies Burnout as a Disease
1. WHO Classifies Burnout as a Disease The term “burnout” was spawned by the millennial generation. As Urban Dictionary puts it, it’s “a state of emotional and physical exhaustion caused by a prolo…
Elon Musk’s $48.7M Las Vegas Project
1. Elon Musk’s $48.7M Las Vegas Project Elon Musk and The Boring Company (TBC) have rounded up their first commercial contract, a $48.7M project to shuttle people in an underground Loop system arou…
Self-Driving Trucks Deliver Mail
1. Self-Driving Trucks Deliver Mail Next on the self-driving to-do list is an initiative to test self-driving mailing trucks. The U.S. Postal Service is starting a two-week test, transporting mail …