How Pandemic Fueled Unemployment Is Leading to New Interests in Bitcoin The world is going through a very tough time and everything has messed up. People are getting infected by the coronavirus and…
Harnessing The Disruptive Potential
Harnessing The Disruptive Potential Technological advancement is the single most exciting thing that can happen in the business world today. It shakes up markets and makes business circles question…
5 Reasons Traditional Financial Institutions Do Not Like Cryptocurrencies
5 Reasons Traditional Financial Institutions Do Not Like Cryptocurrencies Cryptocurrencies have changed the landscape of the financial industry in a very short period. Even though they didn’t get m…
Bitcoin Versus Libra: Which Crypto Is Going to Rule The World
Bitcoin Versus Libra: Which Crypto Is Going to Rule The World With the disruption of bitcoin, there is a huge crowd in the crypto market. Also, digital media and the internet is now flooded with th…
How Is Blockchain Helping The Traditional MDM?
How Is Blockchain Helping The Traditional MDM? The tech sector is still vigorous in discussions around blockchain. Everyone is still quite excited about the potential of this relatively young techn…
10 Reasons You Should Start an Online Business in Your 20s
If you want to start an online business, there isn’t a better time than when you are in your 20s. The sooner you get your business plan up and running, the sooner you can start earning some cash. …
When and How to Use Robotic Process Automation in Finance and Accounting
When and How to Use Robotic Process Automation in Finance and Accounting Robotic Process Automation, or RPA, offers interesting benefits for the financial services industry. It may offer solutions …
How Manufacturing and Lighting Solution Companies are Benefiting From IoT
How Manufacturing and Lighting Solution Companies are Benefiting From IoT Lights today have become more than simple means of lighting up the dark. During their evolution from a simple filament bulb…
Ballogy: Where Facebook Meets Moneyball for Youth Athletes
An Interview with Ballogy Founder and CEO Todd Young What problem is Ballogy trying to solve? Biometric hardware, machine learning, artificial intelligence, and enhanced video capabilities are now…
7 Technologies That Are Powering Remote Teams in 2020
7 Technologies That Are Powering Remote Teams in 2020 The COVID-19 pandemic has seen to it that many companies are now functioning entirely from home. It’s taking a lot of getting used to. Had this…