5 Tips To Improve Your Customer Journey and Earn More Profits
Customers are the only reason any company can keep running. Unfortunately, many businesses overlook the best ways to turn leads into customers and then make those customers stay as lifelong buyers. Instead of letting these leads slip away, follow these tips to ensure you keep them hooked on your business.
1. Offer Consistent Customer Support for Leads
Leads want to know what to expect and prefer all questions to be answered immediately. If they have to wait or give unclear information, they’ll leave your site to try and find that information somewhere else. Don’t let them go! Instead, consider putting in a customer service bot that can handle most questions that arise.
Don’t lie or try to trick the customer into thinking it’s a real customer service agent; ensure the bot can answer any simple questions customers have. This can be an incredible tool to allow you to gather information about leads, like their email or phone number, to contact them again later.
2. Keep Your Brand Image And Personality Clear
Shoppers want companies they can recognize and that have a clear identity. Although your company isn’t a living person, people place clear personalities on the companies they interact with. Ensure that from introduction to purchase; your company is a dynamic and recognizable entity. If not, they may feel tricked or like they’re not sure what to expect. The best companies at creating corporate personalities are businesses like Wendy’s on Twitter, which know their target demographic and work to entertain and advertise.
3. Consider Outsourcing Logistic Systems
Running a business is enough work as it is; there’s no reason that you should complicate it even further. However, if there is a part of your business process that can be simplified or outsourced: take that option seriously! Last-mile delivery can save the nerves about ensuring customers receive their products in great condition. Although it may feel strange to be hands-off in some areas, it frees you up to focus on other parts of the operation that need the attention.
4. Create Perks For Customer Reviews
Good reviews from customers can turn current leads into future solid customers as well. Incentivize customer reviews by offering future discounts for honest reviews. You must give them an experience that will do a fantastic review. You can’t guilt someone into leaving a nice review if your company didn’t do a great job.
One of the best review systems you can follow would be to email customers with their material delivery service confirmation and ask them to tweet or post a review to social media for a five to ten percent discount on a future order. This allows the order to be fresh in their mind and hopefully ensures a great review that will send others to the site.
5. Solve Problems More Than Superficially
“If a customer has a problem with the company or mentions having an issue with an order in one of their reviews, pay attention to this information and correct it. A bad review may be horrible, but people understand that the internet is polarizing, and someone’s more likely to go out of their way to leave a bad review than a good one.” Sam Willis, Business Writer, and Business Valuation Consultant
It’s the mediocre or ‘almost good’ reviews that can add up and make a business look terrible. Correct issues, and then respond to reviews and ensure that the customer agrees that the problem is solved.
Your Brand Should Be Recognizable to Customers
Above all, you’ll notice that your company starts to form a more and more clear personality and public identity by following these steps. Lean into this and take the time to nurture customer relationships If you find yourself losing control of a situation, recenter and talk to that customer before they blow up. Calling can be better than text since you can better convey tone and intention. If a customer is unreasonable, don’t break yourself to keep them happy. Customers aren’t always right, don’t let them take advantage of you for the sake of public image.
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