Marketing Tricks Every Startup Ought to Know
Startups have woken up to a reality not recognized by earlier businesses. What is that you ask? They all want to thieve and not just survive. It’s no brainer that we all want to be successful; the only variation is how we achieve it.
I’ll say this in no uncertain terms; digital marketing and marketing at large is the key to accomplishing your set goals. Your brand’s exposure is only as strong as your knowledge of your audience contacts and competition. Ask any marketing agency like Dilate Digital and they will have you know without effective marketing, you are as good as done. The only downside is how costly this could be. Here are a couple of hacks to circumnavigate this issue.
Stay on top of your customer’s troubles
One way to knock your competition out of the park is by understanding your target audience issues better than they do. Don’t focus on only one angle of the problem but view it from all sides. This will give you the upper hand when time comes to executing a wildly effective marketing campaign. Make the customers feel like they are close to your heart by meeting them, taking surveys and lending an ear to them whenever they need it. Put yourself in their shoes to have a better understanding of their perspective.
Center on Public Relations
As Google continues to insist on top-notch inbound links from reputable sites SEO is quickly evolving to public relations. A couple of media mentions could be the key to unlocking the engine and ultimately catapult your website’s visibility and authority. Focusing on substandard SEO campaigns will not yield desirable results. Essentially it’s like throwing money down the drain. That’s why you need to crack down on PR and reap its benefits for many years to come.
Concentrate on One Marketing Channel
Spreading yourself thin trying to do everything is not going to give you a big bang for your buck. When starting out you’ll be better off focusing on a single channel and then expand later when your business has built enough traction. The key is choosing a channel that will best help you achieve your goals. Make the decision a team effort and take a vote if you have to. Just be sure to end up with just one channel be it outdoor marketing, Twitter or a YouTube channel.
Have a steady online presence
No matter the online platform you are using to market your startup -whether social media or blog- it pays to stay devoted to your online existence. If you can put out something close to two articles per week the better off you are. Just be sure they are a great read. Diversify your content ranging from how-to articles to trending issues in your line of work.
Consistent publishing will not only build your reputation but also help you rank favorably in your SERP. The content should not be plain old marketing spiel find a way to go beyond the scope of your products. The only catch is quality.