Apple Switches $600 Million in Business to Google Cloud Google Wins a Pot of Gold Ye that is exactly right me lucky St. Patrick’s day friends. Google has been taking measures to expand its cloud bu…
THE Skinny
Anonymous Declares War on Trump Once Again
Anonymous Declares War on Trump Once Again Infamous hacker group, Anonymous, is out on a mission to take down Donald Trump. On March 4th, they posted a video in which they declare “total war” on Tr…
Apple vs FBI Case Explained
Cough Cough More Privacy Please That’s what everyone is asking for. Facebook, Google, and Snapchat are all taking measures to increase their encryption capabilities. This not-so sudden move was pro…
Elon Musk’s Hyperloop to Have Augmented Windows
Minecraft Just Got a Whole Lot Cooler Microsoft recently announced they will be using the game Minecraft for Artificial Intelligence (AI). This online game uses virtual 3-D blocks to ‘mine’ and ‘cr…
ISIS Has Own Snowden – Major Data Breach
Department of Justice Steps into Apple Battle Apple and the FBI have been fighting for the past few weeks about whether or not they can unlock the phone of a San Bernadino shooter. FBI says they ha…
Is Bernie Sanders’ Dress #blueorblack??
Imagine If Cars Could Speak... Alibaba’s would say beep beep move over Amazon. E-commerce mongul Alibaba dropped some big news this morning announcing that at next month’s Beijing auto show they'll be…
Hilton Hotel Launches Robot Receptionist (Connie) Today
Quote of the Day: “Connie, where can I find sushi?” The future is officially here now that you can have a robot in your hotel lobby. Connie is Hilton Hotel’s newest employee. Named after Hilton’s foun…
Instagram Now Available on Microsoft
What Happens when Instagram meets Microsoft.. Microsoft is happier than a seven year old boy who’s just been told the dentist called, and cancelled his appointment. Why, you ask? Oh, just because the …
Ransomware Hits Apple Macs
Ransomware Hits Apple Macs For the first time, Apple users have been targeted by hackers using ransomware. What’s that? Ransomware is a quickly growing cyber threat software that encrypts data and ask…
Trump Talks HUUUGE Penis – Twitter Explodes
Trump Talks HUUUGE Penis – Twitter Explodes Last night was yet another GOP Debate. If you missed it, you missed Trump assuring the American people that there is no problem with the size of his hands, …