WhatsApp To Share Data with Facebook Facebook-owned messenger app, WhatsApp, is making some changes to their privacy policy that you will want to know. In an effort to allow businesses to communica…
Google Punishing Sites with Pop-Up Ads
Google Punishing Sites with Pop-Up Ads Sites with pop-up ads are annoying enough on a desktop, but pop-up ads on a mobile device are infuriating as they sometimes take over the whole browser. Googl…
Amazon to Launch Echo Only Music Service
Amazon to Launch Echo Only Music Service Watch out Spotify, Apple Music and Tidal, there is a new music streaming service in town. Amazon wants their Amazon Echo speaker device to have their own ex…
Tokyo Incorporates Anime into Next Olympic Games
Tokyo Incorporates Anime into Next Olympic Games Tokyo is making big plans for the 2020 Olympic games as they will be the host country. Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe showed up to the Olympic F…
Uber Will Start Using Self Driving Cars This Month
Uber Will Start Using Self Driving Cars This Month Wait so self driving cars are actually going to be a thing people use? According to Uber, yes. If you can’t wait to ride in a self driving car, ge…
#LochteGate Floods Twitter
#LochteGate Floods Twitter The #1 trend on Twitter today. Over the weekend four US swimmers claimed to be robbed at gunpoint by individuals disguised as Brazilian police. Brazilian officials said t…
Ford to Introduce Self Driving Cars by 2021
Ford to Introduce Self Driving Cars by 2021 Up next in the self-driving car phase is Ford. The car maker is joining Tesla and Google to create a Car that doesn’t need you. Ford says their sel…
Snapchat Buys Vurb
Snapchat Buys Vurb Snapchat is looking to get into the search world with their acquisition of Vurb. What’s Vurb you ask? Vurb is used to curate information from places like Yelp, Rotten Tomatoes, n…
Pokemon Go Cracks Down on Cheaters
Pokemon Go Cracks Down on Cheaters If you’ve considered cheating on Pokemon Go, think again. Ninantic, the game maker of Pokemon Go is cracking down on those cheating on the game and banning them f…
Arianna Huffington Leaves Huffington Post
Arianna Huffington Leaves Huffington Post Arianna Huffington is closing her laptop on The Huffington Post, a website she co-founded a decade ago. The decision comes from Huffington’s newest venture…