The Shocking Truth About Social Networking & Crime Social media has become one of the most important communication channels in recent years. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram & Co. have been pla…
The Social Media Resignation: Bright Idea or Digital Downfall?
The Social Media Resignation: Bright Idea or Digital Downfall? A current and popular social media fad is the Internet resignation. Employees are looking for more and more public ways to resign or …
Merging Social with Project Management – What are the Benefits?
Merging Social with Project Management – What are the Benefits? Social media has not only become an integral part of our personal lives but also embedded itself into various business processes. It …
College Athletics: A Fuel for the Social Media Fire
College Athletics: A Fuel for the Social Media Fire Social Media has spread into nearly every aspect of college life. In the far-reaching, financially viable, much ballyhooed, and deeply scrutinize…
Forget Blogging, It’s All About “Vlogging”
Forget Blogging, It’s All About “Vlogging” It doesn’t seem too long ago, where everyone was talking about blogging and just how important it was for every business to feature a blog on …
Social Media’s Rise from College Outsider to Campus All Star
Social Media’s Rise from College Outsider to Campus All Star During a 2009 leadership conference, I conducted a session about social media. Memories still swirl in my mind from my audience’s …
How to Keep in Touch With Family and Friends When you Move Away
How to Keep in Touch With Family and Friends When you Move Away Just ten years ago, before technological advances and social media, smart phones and the Internet in most homes, people were limited …
How Social Media has Changed Us
It would appear that social media is here to stay. To come to any other conclusion would require looking away from the facts or foretelling some unpredictable calamity or sudden and dramatic shift in …
Growing Your Online Sales: Best 5 Ways to Execute Internet Marketing Strategies
The purpose and goal of online marketing is similar to the traditional marketing strategies. Both methods are meant to boost up the brand awareness and help in finding out a number of customers for an…
How Social Media Solves Crimes
Believe it or not, police are now using social media as a way to gather evidence and solve crimes, from examining photos to getting the word out about missing children. In fact, a survey conducted by …