Facebook Ads Adding More Transparency US Senate and House intelligence committees have been investigating Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election. Mark Zuckerberg announced that Face…
Parenting Teenagers: Are You Aware of the FamilyTime Parental Control App?
Parenting Teenagers: Are You Aware of the FamilyTime Parental Control App? This is indeed an era of technology. Every 8 out of 10 people can be seen with a mobile device in their hands. The world h…
How Social Media Marketing and SEO Work in Unison
How Social Media Marketing and SEO Work in Unison Should you pursue social media marketing or SEO strategies? If you’ve struggled with this question, then the good and bad news of it is that these …
The Drones are out for Blood
A Bloody Good Drone Matternet, a logistics company based in California, is launching the world’s first permanent, urban drone delivery network next month. Drones will fly over densely populated are…
10 Social Benefits to Excel a Business
10 Social Benefits to Excel a Business Online business means selling goods and services to people who spend time engrossed on the Internet. In order to attract present-day customers, every business…
New York Wants Amazon
One Hand in the Air for the Big City Amazon is looking for a second home to house 50,000 of its employees, and New York wants in. Google, which now has 5,000 workers in its Manhattan office, is a p…
iPhone vs. Android for Business
iPhone vs. Android for Business Business people are not unlike others when it comes to using their phones. But the professional cohort does expect more security and reliability from their phones, s…
Ride-Sharing Gets a $1 Billion Face Lyft
Do You Even Lyft? Remember Uber? Neither does Alphabet Inc. The multinational conglomerate is considering investing approximately $1 billion in Lyft, Uber’s main ride-sharing competitor in the U.S.…
Three Apples a Day Keeps the Doctor Away
Three Apples a Day Keeps the Doctor Away Three new iPhones were announced at Apple’s fall event: the iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus, and iPhone X, each going for a starting price of $699, $799, and $999 r…
Traditional Marketing: Is It Still Effective in the Digital Age?
Traditional Marketing: Is It Still Effective in the Digital Age? With social media usage growing every year, some question whether traditional marketing is still relevant. However, for a business t…