Technology and Thought Leadership Will Shape 2020
Technology is an unmistakable target of seed money and leadership development as venture capitalists search for the next tech unicorn. Technology businesses account for 10% of the economic output of the U.S., which roughly translates to $1.8 trillion. But it’s not just the idea or concept that attracts investment — at the head of these businesses are individuals that have proven themselves investable and are changing the way we think about tech. These thought leaders are the catalysts for change that organizations and governments need in the race for tech leadership.
Agile Framework For Businesses
One of the biggest technological disruptors for businesses is how frameworks will shape every process flow. Thought leaders have developed software and processes to more effectively target inefficiencies and also accelerate the entire production line. According to Haydn Shaughnessy, founder of Flow Academy, technology allows them to create new business ecosystems thanks to business agility. For 2020, businesses who want to harness the full potential of every cog in their machine will need a proper ecosystem in order to facilitate it. This will allow them to experience the ultimate flow and have at their disposal all the data to support further growth and optimal processing.
Better Business Leads To Better Care
Bridging The Gap To Accessible Finance
While banks may not share the sentiment that fintech disruption is good for the economy, banks can’t argue the fact that access to financial products has improved. Augustín Carstens, General Manager for the Bank of International Settlements, provides insight into fintech that needs further development, or rather time in the proverbial sandbox, and those that are steadily creating better access to financial products. According to Carstens, fintech forces the bigger players in the market to up their game. It may also result in some of the bigger players stepping out of the game entirely as their services become redundant. Think credit applications that are done on a mobile device, and facilitated through regular payments at a local merchant, such as a general store. No credit score, no bank account. Just pure technology and algorithms.
Technology thought leaders are those to watch in 2020 as everything from how consumers access their products on the shelf, right through to healthcare and banking are moving to the digital realm.
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