Marketing to Different Generations from Baby Boomers to Generation Z
Social media became an inevitable part of our everyday routine. It is a way to get news, keep in touch with significant others, or it’s a way to spend free time. It is also a self-promotion tool. Everything that is posted online, goes viral immediately.
Businesses use social networks intensively. Developing a strong social media presence is a must these days. Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, and Instagram can help your brand engage targeted audiences more effectively. A CMO Survey states that the marketing budget a company spends on social media is expected to grow from 11% to 19% in 2022. But, it’d be a waste of time and money if the brand doesn’t know differences among the different generations on social media.
Do you want to know more? Take a look at the infographic below from Personal Money Service that helps businesses get financed and breaks up different marketing tactics for each demographic.
Each generation has different expectations from the businesses they follow (like entertainment, information, contests, and promotion). It’s not a secret that each generation uses Facebook. According to a Facebook report (Q1 2018), there are over 2.2 billion monthly active users in the world. Moreover, 1.45 billion of them log onto the social network every day. But if you want to reach your Gen Z customers, you need to know that only 26% of them use Facebook, while 50% of them are active users of Instagram. Millennials and Gen Xers are following the brands on social media actively – – 48.6% and 48.8%, respectively.
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