Image optimization is considered as an important element in on Page SEO optimization. It is essential to optimize the image for a better user experience as well for the search engines.
Here are the key reasons on why image optimization is important for SEO.
- Appear in Image Searches
By optimizing images, you can easily rank higher in Google Image Search results. This helps in driving huge traffic through search engines, especially if you are dealing with products and services based on images. By taking services from SEO expert India, you can appear higher in the Google Image search results.
- Reduces Site Loading Time
If the images are not optimized, it will increase the loading time of web page as well the entire site. This creates a bad impact to the users and thus elevate the bounce rates. Also, site speed is one of the ranking factors considered by Google to rank the site. SEO company will optimize the image size under 100kb keeping in mind not to lose the image resolution.
- Visual Element is Key
Images represent the visual element for any blog post or content. They not only attract the visitors by creating positive user experience but also helps in driving huge traffic to the site. According to a study, it has been observed that posts with images get more attention than the posts without images.
- Get More Clicks
Whenever a post is shared on social media channels or other channels of Marketing, images play a crucial role in getting high clicks. People clicks the shared posts having images more than the ones having without images. Thus by optimizing images, SEO company will help you to increase the click through rates or CTRs of the posts.
Ways to Optimize Images for SEO
- Use tools such as GIMP to optimize the image size. This is easy to use the tool and the main benefit of using this is it retain the resolution of the images. Due to the optimized size of images, web page or site loads at a faster rate creating good UX.
- Normally, when you download an image, it has alphanumeric names. But it is highly recommended to give a proper file name for an image necessary both for search engines and users to recognize it.
- Use your main keyword in the ALT tags of the images. Search engines cannot read the images but by looking the ALT tags, they know what the image is all about. You can also give the image description in ALT caption for even a greater understanding about an image to the search engines.
- Give a proper Image Title having the main keyword of the post or a page. This helps in appearing higher in Google Image search results.
- Optimize the images for the social media channels. Every channel has its own recommended image sharing size. SEO expert will check the size according to the social media channel and optimize the images properly. He also knows how to use open meta-graph for Facebook or settings for adding twitter card for Twitter for the proper display of images. This creates a positive impact or good user experience. Thus helps to drive more clicks, post engagements and social traffic from the optimized images.
- Check the alignment of the images on the posts. Proper alignment is essential to create a positive impact on the users. CMS such as WordPress allows to even customize the alignment according to the post’s requirement.
By understanding the importance of images for SEO, optimize them properly by using the image optimization ways explained above. This will create good usability, user experience and a chance to appear higher in the image search results.
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